currently lovin'

hey guys! here's the latest installment of currently lovin' (with it's usual collection of completely random things!)

I've been buying little bits and bobs lately in the misguided attempt to not overspend this month. yep this backfired as I just ended up spending a small fortune in paperchase instead! (note to self I do NOT need any more notebooks) I shall attempt to reign in my growing stationary addiction but in the meantime here's some of my most loved things this week:

1. palmers cocoa butter body scrub: my mum purchased this little beauty and I 'borrowed' it a few days ago... holy lord this is the best smelling creation ever! close your eyes, it's like scrubbing with chocolate mousse (weird but good!) it's not the grainiest scrub but it smells so damn good I don't care!
2. enamel floral mug, urban outfitters sale: I tend to top up on accessories and cute little trinkets when the UO sale lands. this little mug caught my eye a few months ago so it was swiftly added to my shopping basket! (facial hair lovers there's a moustache version that might tickle your fancy..)
3. paperchase helen dardik week planner: oh yes yet another list/to do/notebook for the collection! my inner geek/OCD sufferer rejoiced when I saw this planner, it's really easy to use with days spilt into am and pm so I can write in upcoming blog ideas and plan what days I'll write my posts! 
4. charm bracelet c/o little pretties: jade creates really dinky custom and personalised jewellery; I told her I loved anything nautical and this little beauty arrived full of anchors and seaside themed charms! if you follow her on instagram (littleprettiesuk) you can check out her whole range and email her any requests!
5. topshop lemon print bikini: I caved and finally bought this bikini after many a loving glance, unfortunately the high waisted version had sold out (pause to wipe away tears) but I loved this print so much I was happy to get the regular one (when life gives you lemons wear them!) 
back soon!

caroline x


  1. I love the lemon bikini! :)

  2. Urban Outfitters have some fantastic bits and bobs, I love their home ware items so much :)

    I love the smell of the Palmers Cocoa Butter products, they're incredible.

    Amy xx
    A Little Boat Sailing

  3. I love that bikini! I always see in in topshop and I'm always tempted... X

  4. That planner is so cute! I love the little mug, too. xo

  5. I'm a sucker for charm bracelets and that bikini is so tropicana!

  6. Gorgeous bikini, plus I love the UO mug, basically anything with flowers gets my vote :)

  7. Love the bikini, the print is gorgeous! xxx
    Maddy from UNSTITCHEDD 

  8. Cute stuff! Love the lemon bikini :)

  9. THAT BIKINI :ooo soooo cute! haha your blog is such a treat to my eyes - everything you own is so cute and pretty and right up my alley!



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