...where I blog from:

I thought I'd share some snaps of my blogging space before I packed up and moved house! I'm already becoming quite sentimental about the move but I'm also excited to take those scary steps to becoming an actual grown up.. gulp.
as you can see I'm quite the hoarder.. I'm really looking forward to having more space so my new place won't be quite so busy! I tend to sit and blog at the little console table in the middle, I picked it up in a sale years ago and painted it myself!

as much as I love my console table I'm going to buy an actual desk in the next few weeks so I can have an 'official' office space in my new abode... exciting! I also have a lot of bookcases as I accumulated a horrifying amount of art theory books at university (and a fair amount of trashy novels that I simply can't bear to part with aha!)
storage is one of the things I need the most and this blue locker from argos is a life saver, I was kindly given one to review and I can honestly say its my favourite pieces of furniture! they have a massive range of office furniture but the office storage really appealed to me as I have so many things and not so many places to keep them all!! 

because we're moving into a victorian house I'm really keen to blend the old with the new so I was really drawn the industrial feel of the metal locker, it also came in green but I was totally won over by the bright royal blue. I'm thinking about using it to store all my craft accessories and fabrics as they seem to be scattered in various locations at the minute and the locker would be the ideal solution to organise them! 

it was also really easy to put together (no tools required!) which has given me a bit more confidence as tackling flat pack furniture is going to become a regular event in the next month.. winner!!
my blogging desk is pretty simple, my laptop (not the mac book pro of my dreams but it does the job) filofax, notebooks and usually a little pile of nail polishes I intend to swatch! 
I love decorating my blog space walls with frames, postcards or pages from magazines! I guess this must be the natural progression from plastering my room with take that posters back in the day..
in case you wondering the the chair was an old DIY project of mine that I reupholstered with some cath kidston fabric, the bunting along the walls is handmade too so if you want to know how to make something similar have a look at my DIY page and you'll find a tutorial!

so that's the mini tour! I hope you like my little space; I'm looking forward to putting together a brand new one when I've moved. 

I was thinking of writing some posts to show you my house after I'd moved in? if you've enjoy this type of blog post please let me know!!

back soon 

caroline x


  1. Wow, you have the most gorgeous blogging space! Everything is just so lovely and pretty and cool! xx


  2. I would absolutely love to have a space like this, I am insanely jealous.

    Hope you have a good move!



    1. ah thanks emma- rip up some magazines and stick them on the wall and you're halfway there haha :)xx

  3. I love this post, its always interesting to me to see where girls write their lovely blogs from :) I especially love your chair, it's so pretty!
    and being the nosey poke I am, I would love to see a post or two about your new house :)


    1. yay! thanks sarah, I'll pop some up then- I too love a nose at peoples houses haha ;) xx

  4. This looks so perfect! I'm dreaming of a space like this :) x


  5. This is such a cool space as opposed to mine which is just crazy clutter. Love the pop of blue provided by the locker, wouldn't mind something like that in my dream space for the random factor!

    1. gotta love the random factor haha! I love bright things so couldn't resist this one :) hope you're well lovely miss k! :) xx

  6. This seems like the perfect space to blog, you have personalised it so much and it looks perfect! :)


    1. ah thanks babe- still a bit cramped but getting there :) xx

  7. Hell to the yes on the home posts lovely, I would adore to see how you and the fella have decorated your new pad.

    Your current blogging space is absolutely adorable and I would never have guessed your locker was from Argos, kudos to them!


    1. I know, some nice bits online at the minute- I'm impressed! ah yay, thanks gorgeous... home posts to come then! :) xx

  8. This is so pretty and I love how creative and colourful your work area is!

  9. Your room looks so lovely, lusting over that upholstered chair! x

    The Little Things

    1. hah thanks you- it's very easy I promise just grab a nice fabric and a staple gun ;) xx

  10. I love this blog post, it gives me loads of cool ideas on how to change my own desk area! Must be lovely moving somewhere new, so much to decorate!:Dxx

    1. thanks beauty! god I'm so excited to decorate haha!! just dreading the packing/unpacking first ;) xx

  11. I really like your blogging space, so different to so many others I read! :) Bright and colourful, it's great :)

    I really like that Filofax, I'm thinking of asking for one for Christmas this year, a nice bright colour I think.

    Amy x
    -A Little Boat Sailing-

    1. they come in loads of lovely colours I was really torn- love that you're compiling an xmas list already haha! I'm so doing the same ;) xx

  12. Gives an inspiring insight into your life, really interesting as most people are naturally curious of each others individual worlds. I miss my desk... Im staying with my boyfriend and his parents in another country for a while, testing the water ;) So blogging is usually from their sofa at the mo! But this is cool as, looking forward to having a little nose at your new abode : D


    1. I did a lot of blogging in bed so I feel your pain aha- I love having a desk again!

      ...I hope the testing of the water abroad goes well babe! :) xx

  13. I love room tours so I think pictures of your new place would be great! We are just in the process of buying a house, exciting times!

    1. yay excited for you- hope it's not too stressful- I'm so looking forward to actually have it all done so I can sit back and enjoy it!!! :) xx

  14. I really need to get myself a little blogging area! i just sit on my bed or the sofa at the moment!

    Leanne @ Leanne-Marie | Beauty, fashion & lifestyle. x x

    1. I was the same for ages! ..once I started to develop a hunchback I took action haha ;) xx

  15. We love your little blogging area! So cute and cluttered (but in a really, really good way!)

    Can't wait to see more posts like this of your new place :)

    Eve & Faye x

    Sugar Spun Sisters - A blog about cosmetics, clothes & coeliac disease

    1. ah thanks so much girls!! sending love :) xx

  16. Everything is so organised and I love the bright colours!

    1. so glad you said that- loads of people say it's cluttered haha :) xx



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