what I wore: a day in reykjavik:

hat: primark
vintage levis jacket* brag vintage
eagle sweater: urban outfitters
leigh jeans: topshop
backpack: topshop
boots: office

reykjavik is charming... and pretty chilly.

every morning I'd layer up like the michelin man and head out to explore. it's quite a small place; the streets are full of little shops brimming with vintage clothes and hidden gems. it's so relaxed you find yourself wandering from street to street with no agenda other than to peek into doorways and hunt out the next quaint coffee shop to stock up on cake and caffeine.

I found myself going for comfort every day.. skinny jeans, jumpers and hats (winter dressing at its easiest) I only opted to bring hand luggage so I was forced to plan what I was going to wear in advance (this meant I didn't spend every morning pulling out clothes debating wardrobe options much to the delight of the boy!)

we spent our first day wandering around the city soaking up the atmosphere of the icelandic way of life:
we stumbled upon the harbour and the opera house on the water; the architecture inside the harper is quite breathtaking when you head inside. the locals are incredibly welcoming with their perfect english and relaxed approach to life.
coffee shops are popular in reyjkavik, they're either sleek and modern or crammed full of reclaimed shabby vintage furniture.. perfection! the coffee shops are the perfect place to people watch; from hipsters on their iPads to ladies who lunch everyone seems to frequent these little hang outs.
we were lucky to discover an old car park that had become a massive graffiti installation, wall and walls of artwork hidden away from the main streets! I loved the edgy slightly ramshackle vibe of the city; it's all a little weathered and rough around the edges. 
we stopped for lunch and milkshakes at the laundromat cafe followed by an afternoon rummaging through vintage clothes shops and exploring downtown.
I loved the comfort of having an apartment rather than a hotel; we felt really settled in our little open plan flat and it was wonderful to have the option of a kitchen if we felt like cooking dinner (I'm a big geek about supermarkets when I go abroad.. I love all the quirky food and foreign packing) 

it's such an unusual but beautiful place; iceland is a country of extremes from glaciers to volcano's there's something different to experience every day. I couldn't recommend reykjavik more for a city break! 

back soon!

caroline x 


  1. Gorgeous pictures! Love your outfit as well :) x


  2. You look awesome Caroline, I love your hat! Looks like you had a wonderful time! x


  3. Looks lovely! I was meant to be off to Reykjavik two weeks today, but had to cancel :(
    Love your outfit, especially the top!

  4. Seems like a really interesting place to visit. Neat photos :)

    Faded Windmills

  5. I adore all the pictures, and your outfit is fab !

    Madeline | Its a Mads Mads World

  6. your pictures are great! I love how instagram-able it looks :) definitely a more interesting than usual type holiday, might have to add it to the list! love the hat too

    Bumble Speaks

  7. Beautiful photos. Makes me itch with Wanderlust. Lovely outfit as well, jeans and a tshirt is always the best.

    Water Painted Dreams xxx

  8. Wow, Reykjavik looks so lovely!! Love your outfit too, very stylish but oh so practical in the Icelandic temperatures :)

    The open plan flat looks so cool too!! Private kitchen FTW!

    Tasha | So On Trend xxx



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