DIY rosewater face toner

rosewater face toner DIY

i know some people hate it but i think valentines day it's pretty cute -even if it is totally commercial. 
last weekend i decided to try a project inspired by valentines- making my own rosewater. roses and valentines kinda go hand in hand right? 
making rosewater is a super easy process and i'm a sucker for anything that involves using snazzy spray bottles. as it's a natural recipe you can use rosewater as a facial toner (plus it's great for setting make up!)

DIY rosewater face toner

the nifty thing about toners is that you can make them to suit your own skin type, i wanted something very simple so i've used rosewater. it's a soothing anti inflammatory that reduces bacteria so it's perfect for use as a natural toner. don't worry if you don't have access to organic roses -you can still use this as a room spray as it smells great! 

read on and I'll tell you how to make your own..

rosewater tutorial

to make your own rosewater you'll need:

6-12 roses (organic or home grown)
large pan

(I also added witch hazel but this is optional-you don't need this if you're using the rosewater as a room spray)

DIY toner

add rose petals (I used about 8-10 heads) into the pan. don't add the stalks and give the petals a rinse under tepid water first to remove any grit.

add enough distilled water to cover them (the more water you add the less concentrated the end result will be so add to suit.) 

add a lid and simmer over a low to medium heat for 20-30 minutes until the leaves have lost their colour. 

the water will become a cute shade of pink and the smell is lovely and sweet.
strain off the petals and use a funnel to pour the rosewater into the glass spray bottles. I added a table spoon of witch hazel into my toner as it's good for inflammation (be gone spots!)

natural rosewater toner DIY
DIY natural face toner recipe
DIY face toner- rosewater @burkatron

once it's bottled it should keep for about 4 weeks, just don't leave it in direct sunlight (using a dark bottle also helps.) you can keep it in the fridge so it's really cool and refreshing when sprayed.

would you try making your own?

back soon!

caroline x


  1. This is actually a really cool diy, love the scissors :) x

    Millie x

    1. thanks millie- amazon I think just search bonsai scissors! xx

  2. i think i will try o make this....looks lovely...

  3. I love the smell of rose water, especially as it's a scent I've grown up with (Middle-Eastern people love the stuff lol). Great DIY :) Xx


    1. haha can't beat it- reminds me of turkish delight (my mums favourite!!) xx

  4. Definitely have to give this a try, thanks for sharing! x

  5. Hi, 'Back in the day' when I was a budding teenager our pharmacy used to make a blend of witchhazel and rosewater to use as a toner and I was recently thinking about it for my god daughter! And then.... I happened to find your blog!!!! How wonderful. Please can you give me an indication of the witchhazel to rosewater ratio. I think my bottles are approximately 100 to 125ml. Thank you so much for all your fabulous ideas.

    1. ah thank you!! I only use roughly 15ml witchhazel per 100ml of rosewater- but you could add more! :)

  6. This is such an easy and cheaper alternative to buying a toner in a skincare shop that will probably be way more expensive but does the same job! The toner I use is a mixture of rose water and lavender so can I put lavender in with the roses and will it work the same way? Xx

    1. i think you could try adding fresh/dried lavender to the roses- I've not tested it but in theory I can't see why not?! Alternatively if it's lavender oil you should be able to add a few drops into the rose water once cooled. just be careful not to add too much oil as it can irritate some people- you can try a patch test first :)



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