hello weekend

DIY, life and style blogger

i can't believe it's friday already! this week flew by right? it was my birthday on monday so i've been spending most evenings going for dinner or catching up with friends and family this week which was great. i feel like i want to redecorate everything at home right now so i might tackle some projects this weekend that i've been avoiding (like our new blinds/shelves that have been sat in boxes for ages) praying that might scratch my renovating itch! also james is back from his skiing trip so i'm pretty pumped to crash out on the sofa and catch up on all the tv shows he made me promise not to watch without him (yeah he owes me big time for that.)

have a awesome weekend, here's some fun stuff online:

- is keeping up with the kattarshians the best site ever? spoiler: the answer is yes.

- last meals on death row.

this is one snazzy soap DIY.

- best show i've seen in forever. 

- news flash: i finally have a kanken!

caroline x


  1. The week flew by for me, too! I keep thinking it's Wednesday! Happy birthday weekend :)

    xo, Sofia

  2. Happy belated birthday! xx

  3. OMG thank you for keeping up with the Kattarshians

    Vivian | LIVE . IN . LOVE




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