DIY wood and silicone teething toys

diy modern teething rings

i'm not entirely sure what happened but i blinked and discovered i had a 5 month old that's chewing everything he can get his paws on! thankfully one of my friends had bought me the cutest little kit for making teething toys so i whipped up a few of these wood and silicone teething rings in no time.

handmade silicone and wooden teething rings

you can source silicone beads and wooden teething rings really easily or you could just use a DIY teether kit with all the pieces you need to make multiple toys! (i can vouch for this being a great gift idea as i've loved making them for gabe!)

silicone and wooden teething rings

simply string the silicone beads onto some thick string and thread the wooden teether through before you tie tight knots to create the ring. obviously, make sure everything is very secure, i double looped my string and glued my knots for extra strength (i supervise gabe when he plays with any type of chew toys as i'm a super cautious new mum!)

modern teething toys

gabe is obsessed with chewing on these wooden teethers and i love the muted colours- modern but still baby friendly hurrah! 

back soon

caroline x


  1. love these! Amazing to see your creativity spilling into baby care~

    Vivian | LIVE IN LOVE
    IG | @viviyunn_


  2. I love this is super cute



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